Job Board
Current Postings
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Past Postings
PhD Assistantship: Conservation Genomics - Louisina State University
Inquiries are invited for a PhD assistantship to examine the effects mosquito spraying on mosquito borne disease prevalence (e.g. avian malaria), diet, and fitness in Prothonotary Warblers in Louisiana. Additional questions could be included depending on the candidate’s experience and interest. Prospective students would need to apply for and compete against other applicants for a Gilbert Assistantship in the LSU School of Renewable Natural Resources. A Gilbert Assistantship covers stipend (27K per year), tuition, fees, and up to 20K in research costs. Qualifications: an excellent academic record, experience with genetic analyses (lab and statistical) including DNA metabarcoding, experience coordinating and collecting field data (including bird handling), excellent writing and organizational skills, and ability to work in a collaborative group. Research will be in collaboration with Dr. Erik Johnson, Director of Bird Conservation, Audubon Delta, the regional field office of the National Audubon Society. Interested candidates are welcome to contact Dr. Sabrina Taylor, School of Renewable Natural Resources, Louisiana State University, and should send a cover letter, CV, and a list of 3 references (with phone #s and/or email addresses). Equal Employment Opportunity applies to this position.
Postdoc: USDA-ARS SCINet in Machine Learning for Influenza A Virus Pandemic Prevention
The position will apply genomic epidemiology and machine learning to quantify drivers of Influenza A Virus evolution in swine using data generated from coordinated active Influenza A Virus surveillance in human and swine populations, along with public data from passive swine surveillance.
More details at
Postdoc: Modeling coyote abundance - D'Angelo Lab, University of Georgia
Postdoc: Infectious disease and conservation of Aquatic organisms - Goldberg Lab, University of Wisconsin-Madison

Postdoc: Conservation genomics of the endangered Hawaiian monk seal - Latch Lab, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee